Skeleton-based gait index estimation with LSTMs

Trong-Nguyen Nguyen, Huu-Hung Huynh, and Jean Meunier

IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS), Singapore, 2018  

In this paper, we propose a method that estimates a gait index for a sequence of skeletons. Our system is a stack of an encoder and a decoder that are formed by Long Short-Term Memories (LSTMs). In the encoding stage, the characteristics of an input are automatically determined and are compressed into a latent space. The decoding stage then attempts to reconstruct the input according to such intermediate representation. The reconstruction error is thus considered as a weak gait index. By combining such weak indices over a long-time movement, our system can provide a good estimation for the gait index. Our experiments on a large dataset (nearly one hundred thousand skeletons) showed that the index given by the proposed method outperformed some recent works on gait analysis.

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